Friday, March 20, 2009


So I know I have a list of names above, but I had a dream about a name last night and want to know what people think. A lot of what happens in my dreams ends up coming true (no I don't have special powers or anything like that...I think it is just by chance most of the time). Anywho...what do you think of Carson? Let me know your thoughts. I would have just added it to the top poll but I can't figure out how to do that without starting all over, and I am just too lazy to do it right now.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two HUGE Pieces of News!

HUGE news number 1:

Grayce went to school WITHOUT her woobie yesterday for the first time ever! I actually think the was the first time she has ever left home without least on purpose. She is really becoming a big girl! I didn't think the day would ever come. I know for sure that she is not giving up on wobbie...just giving up on taking it to school. We have been talking about it with her teacher for a while, since she won't be able to take it to Kindergarten. We figured now would be the best time to start practicing leaving it at home. Her teacher said she didn't even mention it one time...not even at nap time. I am so proud of her!

HUGE news number 2:

I had an ultrasound Monday and we found out that it is a BOY!!! Well at least 75% a boy...which is good enough for me. I never had that high of odds with Grayce. They would always only tell me 50%. LOL duh, 50/50 odds...that is not great! We still bought pink with her and were lucky enough that she did indeed come out a girl. I have not yet bought anything blue, but I am sure it will only be a matter of time. I actually have not been to a store yet, so that is probably why. Grayce is very excited. The entire time she kept saying "I want it to be a girl", so I was not sure how she would feel. We really tried to play it up to her that she is going to be so special now that she will be the only girl (remember she has two half brothers). She is totally down with being the only princess and not having to share her girl things now. LOL! Eric and I are totally excited too. We did get it on video but it is so long and not compatible with the software used on here so I can't post it. :0(

Well that is the news for the day. Hope you all are doing great!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello, Baby!

I had an ultrasound today to determine how far a long I really am since we could not hear the heart beat last week at my regular appointment. I am officially 10 weeks and 6 days. They didn't change my due date though since it was only three days more than we thought. is the little love.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Quilt

It has been finished for about a week or so now and I promised I would show it to my fellow bloggers, so here it is...